DeepaMehta News

Dez. 17, 2008
DeepaMehta deployed at SE Group

Since December 9, 2008 SE Group utilizes DeepaMehta as a knowledge management platform. SE Group considers DeepaMehta's multi-dimensional information repository and its collaboration features as ideal for sharing information among employees, and keeping international project partners in touch.

SE Group is a systemic consultancy with a strong academic background. They describe themselves as "Independant Think Tank for Leading Practice".

Nov. 23, 2008
DeepaMehta reviewed in media pedagogy book

DeepaMehta is reviewed in "Web 2.0 -- Youth Online as Educational Challenge" (in German). In his chapter "Learning Tools for the Web 2.0 Generation" co-editor Franz Josef Röll writes: "DeepaMehta is a suitable learning environment because the screen content and layout is individually constituted by the user itself. [...] At any moment the screen reflects the individual learning situation as a whole."

The book was published on November 15, 2008, by kopaed, Munich.

Nov. 01, 2008
DeepaMehta at Ubuntu release party

On November 1, 2008 DeepaMehta is presented at the Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" Release Party. The party takes place at the Berlin hackerspace c-base and begins at 4 p.m. The DeepaMehta presentation is scheduled for 6 p.m.

Nov. 01, 2008
DeepaMehta 2.0b8 released

DeepaMehta 2.0b8 has been released on November 1, 2008 and is available for download. New features since DeepaMehta 2.0b7 include (see details in the release notes):

  • Remarkably simplified set up
  • Extended team functions
  • New application: shared calendars
  • Extended email application
  • Usability: easier navigation in search results
  • For developers: convenient build and configuration management / more flexible HTML generator

We like to thank all the contributors and supporters.

Sep 26, 2008
DeepaMehta presented at BITKOM

On September 24, 2008 DeepaMehta CEO Andreas Gebhard presented the DeepaMehta platform at the BITKOM working group Knowledge Engineering & Management (KEM), hosted by USU AG.

Agenda (PDF, 40 KB)

Aug. 13, 2008
DeepaMehta used in BAER project

In summer 2008 a group of media and computing students created a hypermedia backend with DeepaMehta for an information system for visitors to the penguin house at Berlin Zoological Garden. A Flash-based touch display was utilized as frontend. The application prototype ("SemKingPeng") was developed in the context of the BAER project.

BAER is an interdisciplinary R&D project that deals with new concepts for zoo management and is conducted by the University of Applied Sciences, Berlin (TFH).

"SemKingPeng" showcase (German)
Interactive demo (Flash required)
Article in BAER publication (PDF, 330 KB)
Download and create your own content

Juli 09, 2008
DeepaMehta article appears in Fraunhofer publication

In June 2008 the article DeepaMehta -- Another Computer is Possible by DeepaMehta co-founder Jörg Richter and Dr. Jurij Poelchau was published in Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments. The book is edited by Jörg Rech, Björn Decker, and Eric Ras, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE).

Article Download (PDF, 2.9 MB)
