DeepaMehta News

März 25, 2006
DEMO berichtet über Kiezatlas

DEMO, die Monatszeit-schrift für Kommunal-politik, berichtet in Ausgabe 3/2006 über die Kiezatlas-Plattform:

Mit Open Source preis-günstig informieren und aktivieren -- Open-Source-Software auf kommunaler Ebene: das Berliner Beispiel

Artikel Download (PDF, 3.8 MB)

Jan. 17, 2006
DeepaMehta attracts Web 2.0 people

On Jan. 16, 2006 DeepaMehta attracted numerous people at the Web Monday event in Berlin.

The highlight presentation was held by Jörg Richter, maintainer of the DeepaMehta project. A desktop beyond the metaphors of windows, directories, and applications that lays itself as a semantic network above the operating systems. Interesting approach, recommended for all interaction and UI designers to study... (from the blog Neulich Am Imbiss)

Read more feedback on the CosmoCode and summertime blogs.

Web Monday connects users, developers, founders, entrepreneurs, researchers, web pioneers, bloggers, podcasters, designers and other folks interested in Web 2.0 topics (in the broadest sense).

Nov. 22, 2005
DeepaMehta company founded

On November 21, 2005 the DeepaMehta company was founded to offer professional services around the DeepaMehta platform. Services include consulting, development of customized solutions, and hosting.

Members of the company are Andreas Gebhard (CEO), Jörg Richter (CTO), and Annette Leeb (COO).

Nov. 03, 2005
DeepaMehta accepted for ISWC 2005

DeepaMehta has been accepted for the workshop The Semantic Desktop -- Next Generation Personal Information Management and Collaboration Infrastructure at the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, Nov. 6-10, 2005, Galway, Ireland.

Accepted Paper:
DeepaMehta -- A Semantic Desktop (PDF, 850 KB)

Nov. 01, 2005
Team development process started

To manage the team development process the DeepaMehta project uses the services of BerliOS Developer since November 1, 2005. Publically available are a bug reporting tool, a feature request tool, a sourcecode repository and mailing lists.

BerliOS Developer's mission is to enrich the Open Source community by providing a centralized place for Open Source Developers to control and manage Open Source Software Development.

Okt. 07, 2005
Aussteller auf der itXnetz-connect

DeepaMehta war Aussteller auf der itXnetz-connect, einer Messe der Berliner IT- und Medienbranchen, die am 7.10.2005 stattfand.

Im Rahmen des Panels IT- und Medienstandort Berlin präsentierte Jörg Richter die DeepaMehta-Anwendung Kiezatlas.

Sep 08, 2005
Workshop bei "Linux in Berlin"

Am 8.9.2005 fand im Rahmen der Infoveranstaltung Linux in Berlin ein DeepaMehta Workshop statt.

Die zweite Linux in Berlin stand unter dem Motto "Linux und Open Source für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen".
