DeepaMehta News

Aug. 04, 2010
DeepaMehta 3 v0.4 released

On August 4, 2010 DeepaMehta 3 v0.4 has been released and is available for download. Installation is very easy. The main feature is a completely new backend architecture:

See the release notes for more information.
Sourcecode and issue tracker is at GitHub.
Discussion takes place in the Google group.

(The DeepaMehta online sandbox installation is still at v0.3 and runs only in Firefox browsers.)

Febr. 12, 2010
DeepaMehta at ESCP Europe Campus Berlin

On February 10, 2010 DeepaMehta was presented at a knowledge management seminar at ESCP Europe Campus Berlin. After demoing the software platform Jörg Richter discussed with students of Business Information Systems what kind of tools would support their learning and collaboration best. The seminar was held by Prof. Dr. Markus Bick.

Sep 01, 2009
Linux Magazine writes about DeepaMehta

The latest issue of the German Linux Magazine (September 2009) features a 6-page article about DeepaMehta. Editor-in-chief Jens-Christoph Brendel calls DeepaMehta a "forward-looking interface concept for possibly the most modern knowledge management for Linux". On the frontpage DeepaMehta is introduced as a "highly innovative colaboration tool".

Article teaser

Aug. 13, 2009
Development of DeepaMehta 3 started

In August 2009 the development of DeepaMehta 3 started. Version 3 is a complete rewrite. The aim is to combine the lessons learned from DeepaMehta 2 with todays technologies and methods. A special focus is put on modularity and a flexible plugin developer framework.

DeepaMehta 3 is based on CouchDB and Lucene. The frontend is a single-page Ajax application, based on JavaScript, HTML 5, and its Canvas element. No Java for the moment.

Sourcecode and issue tracking: DeepaMehta 3 at GitHub. Discussion: DeepaMehta 3 Google group. Try out: DeepaMehta 3 sandbox installation. To get an account write an email to

Mai 27, 2009
DeepaMehta mentioned in extrakte magazine

Issue 6/2009 (May 2009) of the extrakte magazine contains a screenshot of DeepaMehta. In his article "Data actors -- How metaphors model knowledge" Peter Matussek writes "In contrast to the 'Desktop' [metaphor] the DeepaMehta interface, like mind maps and concept maps, shows the semantic relationships between [information objects of] different datasources."

Peter Matussek is professor of media aesthetics. extrakte is a publication of the University of Siegen, Germany.

extrakte 6/2009 (German, PDF, 4.6 MB)

Febr. 26, 2009
DeepaMehta at CeBIT 2009

The CeBIT jury selected DeepaMehta for presentation at CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge. DeepaMehta community members Urs Lerch, Martin Delius, Malte Reißig, and Thilo Schönnemann use the opportunity to introduce the recently founded DeepaMehta society and to give a talk about utilization of DeepaMehta in education.

The CeBIT takes place March 3-8, 2009 in Hannover, Germany. The Open Source Project Lounge is hosted by Linux Magazine.

Febr. 04, 2009
DeepaMehta at Info-Activism Camp

DeepaMehta is presented at Info-Activism Camp that takes place February 19-25, 2009 in Bangalore, India. In the track "Co-operation and Co-ordination" DeepaMehta community member Malte Reißig shows how DeepaMeta can be utilized to enhance the work of campaigners and advocates.
