DeepaMehta 4.0.13 released

DeepaMehta 4.0.13 uses a more efficient storage approach for access control information and returns to the Performance known from DeepaMehta 4.0.11 and before. Furthermore, Geomaps are a new topicmap type for displaying geo-related topics on an OpenStreetMap. A graphical Association Type Editor allows the user to create custom association types. And a whole bunch of GUI changes improves usability e.g. through Cluster Moves and more informed Topic Revelation.

Starting from version 4.0.13 DeepaMehta comes in 2 flavors: the known "Standard Distribution" which focuses on small download size and easy setup for single users and the new Karaf Distribution for client-server setups. The latter one is based on Apache Karaf and makes it easy to run DeepaMehta as a daemon process and to access it via a remote shell.

A lot more new features and improvements are described in the Release Notes.