SemKingPeng - Info Touch

SemKingPeng - Visitor Information System

Description: A new type of visitor information system designed for the king-penguins house in Berlin Zoologischer Garten with DeepaMehta2.08be as a visual content management system.

Technics / Concepts: A freshly designed and purely ActionScript3 / SVG based user interface, implementing DeepaMehta`s unique Bring-To-Me-Navigation.

Idea: Translating DeepaMehta`s concept of stable views to a sensible touch display and trying to make explorative browsing (iterative information retrieval) fun.

Next: Choose the language in which you want to inform yourself about the king penguin or try to launch directly in your browser.

Made in cooperation with Berlin Zoologischen Garten and the Beuth Hoschchule Berlin in the scope of the interdisciplinary R&D BAER Project.

Authors: Malte Reißig, Matthias Kotowski, Michael Sandke

Published: 2008/07/15

Many thanks, also to our Professors who asked for our contribution of the final publication of the BAER Project. The book was published in German with an english abstract.