DeepaMehta 4.1.3 released

DeepaMehta 4.1.3 brings a lot of useful GUI improvements and, for developers, a View Customization Framework. The Topicmap Panel provides increased means of expression, higher information density, and better usability. This new look&feel is realized as a plugin (Box Renderer), so if you don't like it, you can switch it off. The Detail Panel's information display is much more understandable and shows less redundancy. Developers can hook in drawing and event handling behavior in the default Topicmap Renderer whereupon 2 topic rendering flavors are supported: draw-on-Canvas and DOM-rendering.
Furthermore you can work with particularly complex data models ("aggregated composites") in the Webclient, and you can install/start/stop plugins without restart. For an extensive list of new features, changes, and fixes see the Release Notes.