3rd DeepaMehta Development Meeting

We are happy to announce the next DeepaMehta Dev Meeting. This is the begin of a monthly meeting where DeepaMehta developers share the recent news, exchange experiences about realized projects, and learn from each other. If you are curious about DeepaMehta, it's a good opportunity to get in touch with us and/or even start your own project. Join us!
When • Thursday May 22nd at 18:00h
Where • Wikimedia e.V., Raum ABAKUS • Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, 10963 Berlin • U Möckernbrücke (U1/U7)
Agenda • DeepaMehta introduction (30min) • Lightning talks (5min each) • Presentation of Wikidata Plugin (30min) • Questions and Answers • Social Gathering